OSAB Adult Safeguarding Courses
The courses below are all available as e-learning courses
The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) has a multi-agency strategy for training in Safeguarding Adults.
As part of this strategy the OSAB has developed the following core adult safeguarding training:
Level 1 – Basic Introduction to Adult Safeguarding (E-Learning)
Level 2 – Awareness of Adult Safeguarding (E-Learning)
Level 3 – Lead/Manager (E-Learning)
Following NHS Guidance, it is expected professionals refresh their training every 3 years as a minimum.
How training is delivered
All core training was designed by local professionals working with adults at risk and in adult safeguarding.
How to sign up for training
Once you’ve found a course suitable for you, you will be asked to register for the course via our online booking portal. All training is free.
Please complete the registration with your own details, as this will ensure Certificates of Attendance are in your name, and not that of someone who may have booked on your behalf.
If you require training outside of the provided dates or delivered in-house to all staff at once, or if you have any queries about the booking system, you can contact OSAB at osab@oxfordshire.gov.uk