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What you said about our training

“Being able to learn from people working directly in safeguarding was really valuable and I felt the course was excellent in this regard. That it had a community focus, meant that a wide range of scenarios and risks were explored.”


“I will develop my skills further by gaining more experience. This course provided me with a solid foundation.”




“The course also highlighted the importance of local communities and ideas regarding solutions, and how the local community can play a part leading to prevention and better outcomes for people”


Learning Zone

The OSAB strategy is driven by the requirements laid out by the Care Act 2014, Sectors Skills Councils Qualification Credit Framework, Care Quality Commission Safeguarding Protocol, Ofsted and the Department of Health.

The OSAB training strategy will do the following.

Scrabble letters spelling learnOutline a framework of training to ensure that all people who have contact with adults at risk receive the appropriate training required, in order to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.

• Identify tools for quality assurance and effectiveness of training activities.

• Be reviewed annually to reflect the impact of local service redesign, changes in national and local policy and the findings of audits of training, looking at its effectiveness and impact.